
After talked to my friend about the vegetarian recipe last night. I am inspired to cook tomato and potato soup again.  And I used the soup to cook a noodle, with enoki mushrooms, deep-fried tofu and boiled egg. It is simple, yummy, healthy and so nutritious😋

 🌱Enoki mushroom contains 👇🏻

📣 Glucan is an ingredient that helps boost immunity👍🏻

 🔔But to remind everyone that deep-fried tofu has a relatively high calorie and fat ratio. Each pill is about 45 calories. Therefore, for those who need to lose weight, avoid eating deep fried tofu so frequently 😁

 😋For my own opinion, the most important apart of making noodles is the soup base. It is definitely the soul of a bowl of noodles. No matter how good the ingredients are, it must be accompanied by an excellent soup base. You may try to use your own soup to cook the noodles.  The effect is so different and absolutely yummy 😋  

尋晚同個朋友傾開素食食譜 ,今朝有靈感再煲蕃茄薯仔湯,仲攞咗煲湯嘅湯底去煮個麵,配金菇,豆卜加隻蛋,又平而且好有營養😋 


📣 葡聚多醣體是有助於提升免疫力的成分👍🏻



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