
This is a simple but delicious dish. Instead of using scallops, I am using Oyster. My videos are made for beginners. Easy to follow n lots of ideas of choosing the right type of ingredients, share cutting and cooking methods n make sure everyone enjoys the pleasure of Home Cooked Dishes. Why not try them out n share your ideas with me. Thanks for watching!

做冬菜式系列第二炮出爐喇。 大家姐諗嚟諗去,究竟煮蠔好呀? 定係帶子好呢? 不過見到的廣島蠔,真係好肥美,百幾蚊一大包。忍唔住都係煮蠔啦! 帶子都食到有啲悶喇,來來去去西蘭花炒帶子,蘆筍炒帶子,西芹炒帶子,啲味都好單調,蠔就唔同喇,層次感豐富又鮮甜,加埋啲薑蔥,冇得頂啊!

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