If you have been working for the same company for a long period of time, it is likely that you may not know how to look for a job effectively. You probably still remembers the job advertisement in the newspaper or magazines many years ago. With the development of internet, online advertisement, social media, or online marketing or job hunting, finding job opportunities is actually easier than before.
I am not an expert on job finding but I do know that there are 2 simple ways in which you could quickly setup an online presence and allow others to look you. LinkedIn and JobsDB.
You probably have used either Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube or Whatsapp to connect and interact with your friends. LinkedIn is similar to all of the above social media, the only difference is LinkedIn is the social media for your career. In fact, LinkedIn is the largest social media for the professionals but yet not many heard people about it. If you already very happy with your current career, very likely you would not setup a LinkedIn account.
When you setup a profile in LinkedIn, essentially what you are doing is creating a online resume and allow others to look for you. If you have more time, you could also search and find jobs through LinkedIn.
I am not an expert in LinkedIn but I have searched the web and found two sites that can help you to get started with LinkedIn.
What is LinkedIn and Why Should You Be on It?
JobsDB is the largest and leading job portal with substantial positions across China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand and they are the preferred destination for job seekers in Asia. While LinkedIn is a social media platform that allows you to create an resume online and to connect to professional everywhere in the world, JobsDB function is very simple. They will help to match suitable candidates with suitable careers. All you need to do is to sign up, let them know your career details and they will do the job hunting for you.
JobsBD Website
Losing a long term career is devastating to anyone. It is not easy to handle and it may take time to recover. I think it is ok to take a break, to relax and to reflect on what you would like to achieve in future. In the meantime, you could quickly create LinkedIn and JobsDB profile and let them do their job while you are recuperating. The road to recovery is never easy. When one door closes, you might be nervous about whatever is to come, but when you look ahead you might discover that many doors that are left unopened.
“No matter how dark the moment, love and hope are always possible.” — George Chakiris
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