Eggplants, also known as aubergines, contain nutrients like Niacin, Magnesium and Copper, high in antioxidant with very less calories. Add a teaspoon of rice vinegar, could preserve its colour even after steaming or frying. Always a good choice on my dinning table on my ‘Green Day’!

My videos are made for beginners. Easy to follow n lots of ideas of choosing the right type of ingredients, share cutting and cooking methods n make sure everyone enjoys the pleasure of Home Cooked Dishes. Why not try them out n share your ideas with me. Thanks for watching!

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QRCookeasy 大家姐戀煮廚房

食素唔難,但係食啲有質素嘅素,好難! 食啲油少嘅素,更難!
淨係食沙律,分分鐘都要成百’蚊’一餐,你食得幾多餐? 中國人嘅體質,食太多生冷野, 其實對身體都唔係咁好. 我有個朋友減肥,學人餐餐食沙律,第三日喺個街度暈咗. 中醫話,太涼喇! 你唔受得架!
一條茄子都唔使’5蚊’. 慳埋慳埋都夠我淘寶喇。
如果大家都喜歡大家姐煮素嘅影片,請畀個’Like’ 同訂閱, 兼留言畀我,我可以再煮多幾餐,分享下。
茄子有豐富嘅胡蘿蔔素,維他命A, B1 B2, 和C,磷,鈣, 和鉀等微量元素,仲抗氧化添!

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