Scrambled Egg with Tomatoes!

Ingredients: Tomato 400g (2 to 3 pieces, depending on size), Eggs 400g (55 g x 6), Scallion 10 g, Tomato sauce 3 tablespoons, White pepper, Sugar 2 teaspoons, Soy sauce 2 teaspoons, Fresh milk 1 tbsp (optional), Cooking oil 3 tbsp, 1.5 tbsp for frying ½ egg mixture, the other half for frying tomato.

The ratio of tomato and egg is 1:2 No need to whisk egg evenly, leave some egg white to enhance the colour of the dish.

Add 1 tablespoon of fresh milk to make the egg more fragrant and smooth (optional).

Don’t peel tomatoes. Tomato skin contains high content of lycopene and fat-soluble vitamins. It needs to be fried in oil to release the vitamins. If the tomato skin is peeled off, it becomes too mushy as a tomato paste after frying.

The cooking time of tomato and egg is different, so you have to fry separately.

First, fry ½ of the egg mixture until half-solidified, then set it aside. Fry the tomatoes over medium heat. Add 10ml of water (2 Tbsp), and cook until soft. Add the medium cooked egg, stir-fry with the tomatoes for 15 seconds , add the other half of the egg mixture, stir fry for about another 20 seconds, garnish with chopped scallion.

***Doing half of the egg mixture first can enhance the moisture of the egg, it actually tastes smoother and more delicious.

番茄炒蛋係每一戶人家嘅基本家常菜,每一個媽媽做出嚟都有唔同嘅味道. 點樣先至做到一個嫩滑香甜嘅番茄炒蛋呢? 番茄炒蛋除咗可以係一味家常菜之外,仲可以用嚟做三文治, 包餃子都得㗎!

材料: 牛茄, 400 克 (2至3個,視乎大小) – 雞蛋 400克 (55克 x 6隻) – 蔥 10 克 – 番茄醬 3 湯匙 – 白胡椒粉 少許 – 砂糖 2 茶匙 – 生抽 2 茶匙 – (鮮牛奶 隨意) – 油 炒蛋 1.5 湯匙 – 油 炒蕃茄 1.5 湯匙

番茄同雞蛋嘅黃金比例, 1個蕃茄: 2隻蛋, 如果鍾意食蛋, 就1個蕃茄: 3隻蛋lah. 蛋不用打均勻,留少少蛋白增加美觀感.

可隨意加入1湯匙鮮奶, 令雞蛋更香更滑.

用番茄醬就不用打芡. 唔用番茄醬, 可打一個薄芡收汁用. 粟粉 : 水, 1 : 2 茶匙.

蕃茄唔好去皮,蕃茄皮含高量番茄紅素,溶脂性維生素, 要用油炒香釋出維他命, 番茄如果去咗皮, 容易炒炒下變咗番茄糊, 唔係幾’見食’.

番茄同蛋所需要嘅烹煮時間唔同, 所以要分開炒.

先炒½ 蛋液至半凝固, 上碟備用.

下油, 用中火炒番茄, 加入10毫升水 (2 湯匙) , 煮到軟爛收汁, 加入半熟蛋, 炒勻, 加入另外一半蛋液, 包住番茄蛋, 快炒幾下, 加入蔥花.

***蛋汁分兩次落鑊, 可以增加香氣同潤滑感, 蛋唔會’過老’, 更加可口美味.

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QRCookeasy 大家姐戀煮廚房

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