Pumpkin Tofu with Salted Egg Sauce!

The umami flavor of egg yolk, the delicacy of tofu, the texture of pumpkin, the taste is full of layers, it is a delicious vegetarian dish.

P.s. Garlic and ginger is used, if you are on a vegan or strict diet, please adjust accordingly.

Ingredients: Pumpkin 100g, Board Beancurd 270g, Edamame 100g, Salted egg 2 pieces, Minced garlic 10g, Minced ginger 10g, Unsweetened soya milk / plain hot water 100 ml

南瓜金沙豆腐, 蛋黃嘅鮮味,豆腐嘅嫩,南瓜嘅糯, 味道層次感分明, 亦係一味實惠又美味嘅素菜菜式.

P.s. 呢個係’素菜’唔係’齋菜’, 有用到蒜頭,薑, 如果食齋嘅朋友, 可以省卻呢兩種辛料.

材料: 南瓜 100克 – 板豆腐1塊/ 270 克 – 毛豆 100克 – 鹹蛋 2隻 – 薑末 10克 – 蔥末 10克 – 無糖豆漿/ 清水 100ml

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