Good morning, HuangShan.  

Huangshan Mountain, literally translated to “Yellow Mountain,” is one of China’s most spectacular sights and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is a scenic area that covers more than 100 square miles (250 square kilometers). The mountains are characterized by their granite peaks and pine trees jutting out at odd angles. Many said that the movie Avatar has taken inspiration from the Huangshan mountain.

I called this, flower of HuangShan.

To be honest, I have forgotten the trail name of our hike. What I do remember is we stay in HuangShan city and took a taxi from the city to the cable car station (1 h trip) to take us up for this hike.

Met many porters who helped to carry back pack and baggage for the tourists. I guess that could be one of the services provided by the hotel.  

This is the starting point of our hike. Our trekking will bring us from Mercy Light Pavilion, pass the Jade Screen Peak, take in the infamous Greeting Guest Pine (at 1,000 years old), get on top of the highest peak – Lotus Peak, experience the One hundred Ladders.

For the first 30 minutes walk, there isn’t many things to see but pine trees along both sides.

In 2002, HuangShan was named as the “sister mountain” of Jungfrau in the Swiss Alps. I wonder why, cause both mountain looks very different.    

30 min later, we reached to the 1st stop…Brightness top, 1800 m above sea level. The sun was shinning bright above our head, yet we still felt pretty cold when the wind brow. Thus, the boys refused to take off their outfit thought we think they were a bit over-wrapped.   Of HuangShan’s many peaks, the 3 most widely known are the Lotus Peak, the Brilliant Top Mountain, and the Celestial Capital, all of which rise a stunning 1800 m above sea level.    

The famous Lotus Peak.The difficulty level to go up to its peak is high, so we didn’t bother to give it a try. There is a hotel built on the peak (on left hand side). It looks like an impossible architecture.      

I think only the physically very fit people can go up to the hotel for a stay.

We walked to the other side of the peak….

The view over here is very spectacular.  

The sun light was also in right direction, that made us keep pressing the camera’s button, wildly.

At around 12 pm, we continued the walk to our next destination. That’s the view we saw from here…

Lotus Peak as backdrop. Lotus Peak is the highest peak in HuangShan mountain, with an elevation of 1864 m. The outstanding central peak is surrounded by small peaks, forming a pattern like a lotus blossoming towards the sky.

Some people had manage to bring themselves up to the top of Lotus Peak.  

Then the path ahead us had revealed itself…terror ! HuangShan is known for its stone steps carved into the side of the mountain, of which there may be more than 60,000 throughout the area. The date at which work on the steps began is unknown, but it’s said to be over 1500 years old.    

Forgot what’s that pointy peak called?

 William found a broom and he was happy to sweep the place. It’s good to let him made some small contribution to HuangShan.

Getting closer to that opposite side…but we need to find the steps to go down first.

So, we continued to walk further…    

As we moved on, we get to see the very-steep stair case which the man had warned us not to use. He was right.    

As one of the tour guides said : the fish and the 3 burbles it has blown out. Ok, I could see it too.

Looking back to where we have walked down, from the fish to here….

When I heard another tour guide said the things that we should get to see from this rock wall, I started to feel frustrating. She said the 4 main characters, in the famous legendary novel, “Journey to the West” had all shown up in this rock wall.   She pointed here and there, and said that’s Sun Wukong (the Monkey God), Zhu Bajie (the pig) and Sha Wujing (monk), and their master, Tang Sanzang. WTH, I saw none of them. Aren’t their visual imaginary is too hey wired?     

The steps that lead us to clouds…Let’s go up…    

The man who carried a little girl on his back was endangering himself and other people as well. Sigh…

Get so near to the rock wall that we can almost reaching for it.

Reaching the Lotus Pavilion. We took another short break here.

15 min later, we moved on. According to the sign back, going this way will lead us to the Jade Screen Tower.

That should be Jade Screen Tower.

This one is called the “race competition between the rabbit and the tortoise”. Rabbit was on the top, tortoise at the mid level.

We would need to go down and then go up again…Although a bit too shinny, it’s a beautiful day after all.

William said it looks like a pear to him.  

Met a beautiful pine tree along the way. Many of the area’s pine trees are more than 100 years old and have been given their own names. The pines vary greatly in shape and size, with the most crooked of the trees being considered the most attractive.

What do you think this looks like?
  The Jade Screen Tower.     

Finally, saw the well-known Ying Ke Pine, or Welcoming-Guests Pine,which is said to be over 1500 years old.    

In order to protect this tree, the authorities had secluded the area. Tourists would need to take turn to take their photos with the tree.   I have no objection about lining up, but the people in front of us wanted to make so many different weird poses in front of the trees, like they are super model or what. That really made me boiled and made us laugh at the same time  

Also, the place is too crowded and the people is too noisy that had totally spoil its tranquility. Another weird thing is, we didn’t get to see many foreigners here, I mean the Westerner. Throughout the whole 8-hour journey, we saw less than 5 Westerner. I wonder why? In summary, the trip was a good one. It can be better if only all the visitors could keep their volume down and appreciate the view quietly.

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