Stir-fried White Beans with Preserved Olive and Vegetarian Ham!

Chinese preserved olive is made with mustard greens and green olives. It is a Chaoshan-style dish, and it goes well with the plain Chui Chow congee. After hours of slow cooking, the colour becomes ink-like. It can help digestion and increase appetite! You can use it to make steamed pork ribs, steamed fish, and fried rice. The flavor is so unique!

This time, Q. rochelle used the Chinese preserved olive to cook a delicious vegetarian dish: Stir-fried White Beans with Preserved Olive and Vegetarian Ham. The fragrance of the olive penetrates into the white beans, and the taste is superb!

I will share with you how to prepare the white beans so that it could absorb all the fragrance from the Chinese preserved olive.

Ingredients: Preserved Olive 1tbsp, White beans 180g, Vegetarian ham / vegetarian chicken / omni minced pork 80g, garlic 2 cloves

Seasonings: Oyster sauce 1 tsp, Water 20ml, Sugar 1 tsp, Chinese rice wine 1 tsp, Cooking oil ½ tbsp, Sesame oil (optional), White pepper (optional)

橄欖菜係用芥菜,橄欖製作而成,係潮汕風味嘅小吃菜, 用嚟送潮州粥一流! 慢火熬製幾個鐘頭,就變成墨汁咁嘅顏色, 正所謂’色澤烏艷, 油香濃沃’, 就係橄欖菜嘅特色啦. 佢能夠幫助消化,同埋增進食慾添! 可以用佢嚟做欖菜蒸排骨,欖菜蒸魚,乾煸四季豆,炒飯,豐味好獨特㗎!

今次大家姐用嚟炒素火腿同豆角,惹味非常, 都唔似食緊素菜,橄欖菜嘅清香滲曬入啲豆角度, 將啲草青味都闢走曬.

想啲豆角炒起嚟又香又入味, 大家姐將會同你分享一個竅門, 一定要睇呀!

材料: 欖菜 1湯匙 – 白豆角 180克 – 素火腿/ 素雞/ 素肉碎 80克 – 蒜頭 2瓣約5克

調味: 蠔油 1茶匙 – 糖 1茶匙 – 米酒 1茶匙 – 麻油 適量 – 胡椒粉 適量 – 水 20毫升 – 食油 1/2湯匙

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QRCookeasy 大家姐戀煮廚房

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