The reason why we were here is to get high, by taking this steepest funicular railway in the whole Europe. The Gelmerbahn was the steepest funicular in Switzerland and Europe, until the opening of the new Stoos Funicular in 2017. We went on the train to see the amazing and beautiful dam & reservoir at the top. The views were so worth the trip up and down! It only takes 10 minutes up and 10 minutes down so just keep your eyes shut if you don’t like heights!

The funicular is an inclined railway similar to a tram which is pulled up and down in incline with a cable. This steepest funicular in Europe’s ascends 450 m up a mountain face. Then the trolley is pulled up a 110% gradient in only a few seconds. Sounds terrifying to know that.

While waiting for our turn, we sat on the bench there to see the funicular being pulled up from the starting point. William started to feel anxious when he saw the vertical part the funicular would be ascended to, and his anxious became overwhelming as time pass. He started to asked a lot of “what-if” question, like : what if the cable breaks off in the middle of our ride? what if the funicular fall down vertically instead of slowing descending? what if…
I couldn’t believe myself when William started to weep and beg me to cancel this ride. Husband told him that the tickets were not refundable, and it’s such a waste if we just cancelled off the ride like this. I have tried every method to console him, like “everything is going to be ok”, “I have never heard of any tragic accident happen before” (but in fact, I didn’t know if this is true or not). Only then, I realized husband and I have perhaps, overestimated the limit of this little boy. Sometimes, we have forgotten he is not yet 9, that he may not ready for all those adrenaline rush. For this, I’m sorry….

The funicular can only takes 24 people for every 15 minutes, so it fills up very quick. When one buy the tickets, not only the departure time will be given, but one also have to also pick a return time since there are only limited seat in the funicular. So we will need to estimate how long we expect to stay at the top. Without hiking around the lake, husband think 45-60 min is enough.

Finally, it’s our turn to ride up the super steep funicular !! Without any chance, William had to follow us. He had requested not to sit in the front row nor back row. So, while most of the people were ‘fighting’ to get the front row, we were instead, ‘fighting’ to get the middle row. Even though I think this funicular ride is safe, still I feel very nervous when the funicular started to incline.

When the open carriage was pulled up vertically, I’ve become very nervous myself. In fact, I prayed that everything is going to be ok, that we can go down to the mountain safe and sound, in 1 piece.

Spectacular Lake Gelmer is situated at an altitude of 1850 m above sea level in the midst of glorious mountains, boasting lots of hikes and walks of varying length and difficulty.

After the thrilling train ride experience, we continue our journey by crossing the Grimsel Pass. Click here to read our story.

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