I have been flying for decades, far too long for me to keep track of my time. Why do I fly for so long? I do not need to think or reflect on this question. The answer is clear. It is because of the people that I work with; the Cabin Crew. I have not worked in many other companies before, but within my limited experience, I can proudly say that Cabin Crew is the most passionate, kind, and nice group of people that I have worked with. I could never forget the care from my colleagues when I was sick, nor the fun moments we had together on flights and when we were overseas. We may disagree at times, but whenever there is a challenge inflight, we will work together and ultimately find ways to deal with the challenges.
So, how does this relate to Crew-Explorer.com? In the era of Covid-19, we have rediscovered that Cabin Crew are more than just professional flight attendants; we are professional chefs, yoga trainers, tai chi masters, psychologists, travelers, adventurers, writers, photographers, designers, and much more. We may not have business cards with impressive titles, but we have passionately explored the world inside and out. The site is for us cabin crew to share the story of our explorations.
The way in which this pandemic has effected us is far reaching. Our normal way of life, our health and our career are forever changed. Flying is unrecognizable anymore. Instead of passengers we have cargo, instead of smiling and interacting with passengers, we have to hide behind the mask. The month of October 2020 has been truly difficult. Thousands of my colleagues have lost their job due to the airline restructuring. Even though we are not “affected”; knowing, hearing, seeing, and feeling the despair of others are surreal and sad. Because of this, we are also dedicating this website and our time to help those who have lost their job to find a new beginning.

2 Responses

  1. Skipper Rico says:

    One of the best roommates I ever had, had worked as a Baggage handler for American Airlines out of SFO. His Airline parties, and the airlines people I met were absolutely great; fun, knowledgeable, world travelers each and everyone one. There is a world of difference in being a Tourist and a Traveler. I count myself lucky that I’ve been a Traveler for 45 years. In this COVID World it’s a whole new ballgame. But I will be up for the challenge once we can all start flying again. Until then I remain safe behind closed borders here in New Zealand.

    • Kevin C says:

      Wow….45 years as traveler!! There is really something about travelling that makes us slightly different. And totally agree that airline people has so much passion and really fun to be with.
      I am following your blog and admiring that you could still travel domestically. New Zealand is really a heaven on earth. Hong Kong on the other hand is basically a city and there almost no domestic travel. Keep on writing skipper so that we could be a part this heaven.

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